Envisioning a personalized, on-demand transportation ecosystem

Imagine a mass transit system with ultra-light cockpits speeding commuters along an elevated infrastructure to their chosen destination. On route, a digital valet suggests entertainment, meal, and shopping options, while an on-board interface gives the rider customized access to browsing, streaming, audio, and gaming. Or the passenger can stretch out for a comfortable nap. All this may soon be a reality with The PT Solution, a concept in development by SNAAP. The Design Central product development team is excited to work with SNAAP to investigate, conceptualize and simulate the system's human factors, usability, and overall possibilities. 

  • The PT Solution
  • Commercial
  • Product Design

Objective: Conceptual design development of The PT Solution SNAAP personal transportation Pod.

What is SNAAP?

The PT Solution is a sustainable, non-stop, autonomous, affordable personal transportation ecosystem – SNAAP – that offers the freedom of cars without traffic congestion and highway pollution. The PT Solution utilizes digital packet switching technology to move ultralight self-powered electric passenger Pods on a network of elevated ribbon rails. Movement along the rail is silent, safe, and efficient. Passengers use their account to schedule a pickup time, destination and vehicle type and board their Pod from private and commercial portals. Once on board, commuters travel non-stop to their destination.

Human factors drives design concept

Design Central developed initial seed concepts focusing on exterior features, styling and usability with top-level human factors layouts for a single-rider passenger enclosure Pod. They examined passenger configurations for ingress, egress and seated positions while simultaneously developing concepts for a 2-passenger and an ADA-compliant Pod. Exterior refinements influenced the interior design of the 2-person Pod as the team developed the functional understanding and the visual qualities for the 2-passenger, ADA-compliant, and micro-distribution Pod. The final deliverables included 3D renderings and the associated 3D CAD models to support fundraising and subscriber activities conducted by PT Solutions.

To watch SNAAP Transportation come to market, visit http://RideSNAAP.com or contact Andrew J. Cary, President at andrew@theptsolution,com