Design and engineering make medical testing easier and quicker

Bionymer is a polymer-based sensing platform dedicated to the way people interact with biology. With a focus on upgrading state-of-the-art research for biological and medical devices, the tech company has developed a system that uses novel and smart materials to convert biological signals to electronic signals. The future device has the potential to enable clinicians to fine-tune patient procedures in real-time or adjust dosages to prevent secondary issues from complicating primary conditions. Design Central partnered with Bionymer to develop the enclosure design for the data acquisition device and the user interface for the software to enable this exciting technology.

  • Bionymer
  • Healthcare
  • Product Design
  • Engineering
  • Prototyping
  • User Experience

Objective: Develop and prototype first-generation enclosure for polymer-based ion sensing system

Design and engineering helping to secure funding

Design Central designers explored visual and functional qualities using quickly generated concept sketches to develop the overall design theme of the sensing system enclosure. Our developers created CAD for the enclosure concept, and a preliminary SLA for the proof-of-concept model ensured the product is easily manufactured and assembled. The beta testing models are being used to secure additional funds to supplement the start-up’s limited budget with Third Frontier funding.

UX guides users through testing in various settings

Our UX team developed a simple, easy to GUI approach to guide the user through testing and reporting scenarios. The team used workflow and user scenario documentation from Bionymer to create preliminary wireframe layouts, including elements such as warning dialogs, probe indicators, type of test, or take action prompts. The team coordinated the final GUI design with software developers for use in the functional and Beta prototypes.