The PT Solution sustainable personal transportation pod

Imagine a mass transit system with ultra-light cockpits speeding commuters in personal transportation portals along an elevated infrastructure to their chosen destination. On route, a digital valet suggests entertainment, meal, and shopping options, while an on-board interface gives the rider customized access to browsing, streaming, audio, and gaming. Or the passenger can stretch out for a comfortable nap. This may soon be a reality. The PT Solution (personal transportation solution) is a concept in development by SNAAP, whose vision is "to provide an on-demand, sustainable, nonstop, autonomous, affordable, personalized transportation ecosystem available to every person in the world." The Design Central product development team is excited to work with SNAAP to investigate, conceptualize and simulate the system's human factors, usability, and overall possibilities. 

To watch SNAAP Transportation come to market, visit or contact Andrew J. Cary, President at