In-Person vs. Virtual Design Research

In the wake of the pandemic, virtual research methods skyrocketed as convenient and cost-effective means of engaging with a broad range of users. Digital rooms and other virtual collaborative design tools afforded researchers safer access to data. In addition, research gathered virtually allowed brands with smaller budgets to afford more diverse perspectives, not to mention at a quicker pace. For example, a design team looking to understand how users clean their kitchens could easily send a survey to users in the U.S.A., Japan, and Germany with one click.

Yet, our team has observed a growing appetite among brands for reinstating the personal connection afforded by in-person methodologies. As individuals feel more and more comfortable engaging in studies at both facilities and in their homes, design teams are discovering a reemergence of contextual insights, especially since participants often find it easier to talk in real-time rather than pull from recall. This real-time data unearths individual stories, behaviors, values, and emotional connections that inform richer and more meaningful design criteria.

At Design Central, we’ve had a long history of connecting insights to execution. Designers and engineers can create solutions that resonate with their target audience by incorporating generative and evaluative research findings into the design process. Whether it is a project helping new parents, individuals navigating incontinence issues, farmers in rural areas, or large-scale industrial teams - we tailor our processes to meet each client’s unique needs.

Cori Rowley, Senior Director of Insights and Innovation, leads Design Central’s research efforts, bringing over 15 years of experience. Cori's empathetic leadership style inspires our team to engage with users and uncover unique insights through research.

Reflecting on the profound impact of design research, Cori emphasizes that the key to unlocking transformative design lies in selecting the proper research methodologies and tools tailored to each project's unique needs. By discerning the "why" behind research initiatives, teams can deploy the most effective approaches while remaining mindful of cost considerations.

Looking ahead, Cori and the Design Central team are eager to collaborate with our clients by leveraging advanced tools, effective methodologies, and an empathetic approach to propel innovation and drive meaningful change. Whether research takes place in-person or virtually, the value lies in the pursuit of understanding users better. The effort for a brand to better understand its users is a step in the right direction, and we are ready to help you on that path.

Interested in working on a design research project with Design Central? Contact Tim Friar:
