Design Central assisted LeBeau Medical in developing the WireFix

Design Central recently worked with LeBeau Medical to develop the WireFix device, a simple solution to immobilize a breast localization wire.

A correctly-inserted breast localization wire leaves a portion of the wire sticking out of the breast, unsecured. When the wire moves away from the targeted biopsy area, migration occurs, and can be dramatic, with the wire moving to areas around the heart or neck. Complications of migration can be failed surgery, internal bleeding and more. Securing wires to the skin using tape makes them difficult to clean without moving them prior to surgery; the WireFix device mechanically secures the wire parallel to the skin, without using tape. It is the only product on the market to address wire migration.

LeBeau Medical relied on Design Central to provide a solution that addressed safety and comfort scenarios for both the clinician and patient. Learn more at https://youtube/zwvj0hkFlO0