Enabling accurate, consistent vitals acquisition

Midmark Barrier-Free Examination Chairs

Design Central congratulates Midmark on their latest innovations for the Midmark Point of Care Ecosystem, the Midmark 626 Barrier-Free® Examination Chair, and the Ritter 225 and 224 Barrier Free® Examination Chairs. Accurate blood pressure readings and standardized care are the foundation for successful implementation of clinical standards and decease management protocols. The Midmark and Design Central development teams created these exam chairs in order to enable clinicians to utilize critical patient positioning techniques by integrating scales and accessories that accommodate ingress and egress and properly position the widest range of patients to take precise, repeatable BP and vital signs. The chair weighs patients while seated and connects critical data accurately through the Midmark IQvitals Zone diagnostic device. With the push of a button, it seamlessly connects all vitals data to the EMR, helping reduce errors caused by manual transcription and facilitating the standardization of overall care in the exam room. The new ADA-compliant chairs give clinicians and practitioners full confidence that they can focus on the patient experience, knowing Midmark brings clinical spaces, integrated technology and a smarter workflow into harmony. Learn more about Midmark Barrier-Free Examination Chairs here: http://www.midmark.com/products/medical/barrier-free-examination-tables-chairs/product/midmark-626-barrier-free-examination-chair
